Requires Unity 5.1.0 or higher.
The perfect AAA quality character controller for your humans and non-humans! - 最佳的人物与非人物角色动作控制插件!
The Motion Controller is an animation framework and character controller for any character and any game.
Unlike other third person humanoid controllers on the Asset Store, the Motion Controller is a flexible component-based framework that can support any type of character. It includes motions for humans, but by creating custom motions, you could control anything from bugs to cats and aliens to race cars. It was built from the ground up to be extensible and allows you to create your own motions, add your own animations, and even share motions with others.
Out of the box, the Motion Controller includes the Actor Controller; an advanced character controller that supports gravity, moving platforms, custom character shapes, and walking on walls. It also includes lots of prebuilt motions that you can use for your humanoid characters, allowing them to run, jump, climb obstacles, scale walls, and more...
Components Include:
* Actor Controller
* Motion Controller
* Multiple Cameras
* Debug Logger
* Object Pool
* Profiler
* Walk on walls, ceilings, etc. - 可任意在墙上或是天花板行走
* 3 Different walk/run styles - 提供三种不同的行走与跑步形态
* 3 Different basic cameras - 提供三种不同的相机
* Customizable fall, jumps, climbs, etc. - 自定义掉落,跳跃与攀爬
* Customizable gravity, grounding, etc. - 自定义重力与着地的动作
* Add custom animations without code - 无需代码即可添加自定义的动画
* Create and add custom motions - 创建与增加自定义的动作
* Support for Nav Meshes - 支持网格寻路
* Support for any input solution - 支持任意一种的输入设备
* Support for PCs and NPCs - 支持PCs与NPCs
* Support for prefabs - 支持预制组件
* User friendly UI - 人性化的界面设置
* Set up humanoids in seconds - 几秒内即可完成角色设置
* Support for Windows Xbox controller - 支持Xbox手柄
* C# Code included - 包含完整的代码
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