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本文分享的是【flash3D引擎对比分析】Flash 官方3D引擎_Away3d,全文摘录如下:
这是一个功能很强大的3d引擎,支持多种(ASE, DAE, KMZ, 3DS, Md2, Obj)模型格式,支持3D动画,支持动态灯光等,不过性能貌似不怎么样,一个1024*1024的立方体都跑得够呛,不知道是不是我没有设置好。许可:Apache License2。
Away3D是个很好的3D引擎,有很好的社区支持,结构清晰不断改进的文档。使用Away3D,你可以选择一种你所喜爱的开发工具,开始进行3D Flash开发。
值得一提的是,Away3D具有一个可视化编辑场景及模型的工具- Prefab3D ( http://www.closier.nl/prefab/),这个运用Adobe AIR开发的工具功能相当强大,开发者和设计人员可以方便的对三维场景进行材质贴图,编辑光照及设置动画等,并输出为Away3D使用的文档。
在Adobe Molehill公布的当天,他们也发布了最新支持Molehill的4.0 Alpha版本。
•支持加载大多数流行3D文件,如Collada, OBJ 等
官方网址: http://www.away3d.com/
更多采用此引擎的游戏展示: http://away3d.com/projects-using-away3d
在Flash, Flex或Flashdevelop中安装使用Away3D
如果你正准备开始学习flash 3d。但不知道如何开始。本教程会帮助你在Flash, Flex和Flashdevelop中设置基本开发环境。
方法1:到 http://away3d.com/downloads/ 下载。只需要下载ZIP文件(away3d源代码)并解压。
方法2:安装Subversion(SVN)(Sonic注,一款很常用的版本控制软件),然后从Google 代码库下载。使用SVN是下载最新版代码或退回之前版本的最好方法。如果你使用Flex,你可以从这里学习如何在Flex中设置使用SVN(英文,尚未翻译)。在Windows平台上使用Flash的用户可以看看这篇很棒的SVN教程。这篇“为什么要使用版本控制软件”的文章讲解了更多关于Subversion的信息,以及版本控制软件对程序员的好处。
For Flash to find the Away3D files, you have two options.
Option 1: Store the Away3D files with the FLA
Just copy the "away3d" and "nochump" folders into the folder that your FLA file resides in. This will cause Flash to find them automatically. This has also has the benefit of making it easy to share the project. Just compress the entire folder to a ZIP archive and the recipient will have all the required code. The drawback is that if you have a lot of projects, you'll get a lot of duplicate files.
Option 2: Update Actionscript settings
Keeping the Away3D source in just one location and pointing Flash to that folder will save you a lot of duplicate files. It'll also make it easier to update to the latest version by just replacing the folder contents.
•Select File -> Publish Settings.
•Click the "Settings" button (next to Actionscript version)
•In the Classpath box at the bottom, Click the plus to add a path and then click the target icon to locate the file
Keep in mind that if you use a direct path such as "Cocuments and SettingsUserNameMy DocumentsAway3D source", the project will only work on your computer. If you use relative paths cleverly ("../Away3D source"), you can easily share the file with others that use a similar setup.
To view any of the pre-made Away3D Tutorial files, copy the class file to the same directory as the FLA. If you want to view the file "Renderers.as", copy this file as well as "Cover.as" (required). Next, type "Renderers" in the input field for "Document class" in the Properties panel and export. To view the source file itself, just click the pencil next to the "Document class" input field.
First, create a new Actionscript Project to hold your code (File -> New... -> Actionscript Project). In Flex you have the same two options as with Flash, either copy "away3d" and "nochump" folders into your project folder or link to a folder on your filesystem. If you chose the SVN option or want to link to a folder on your system, follow these steps:
•Right click the project you just created and select Properties.
•Select "Actionscript Build Path", click "Add folder..." and browse to the location of the Away3D source code.
•Click OK to close the dialogue and you're ready to go
To view any of the pre-made Tutorial files in Flex, copy the file you want to view (i.e. Renderers.as) as well as Cover.as (required) to your project folder. Right click "Renderers.as" in the Flex Navigator, select "Set as Default Application" and***n the file.
近来,关于3D的讨论风靡Flash社区。不少3D引擎,各有优缺点。Carlos Pinho为我们列出一张很好的3D引擎清单。本文中,我们将会使用Away3D来实现一个漂亮的场景。(更多flash3D引擎对比分析尽在web3D纳金网http://www.narkii.com/) |