
标题: [Unity 组件参考手册]桌面:动画视图指南 [打印本页]

作者: .    时间: 2013-2-18 16:54
标题: [Unity 组件参考手册]桌面:动画视图指南
The Animation View in Unity allows you to create and modify Animation Clips directly inside Unity. It is designed to act as a powerful and straightforward alternative to external 3D animation programs. In addition to animating movement, the editor also allows you to animate variables of materials and components and augment your Animation Clips with Animation Events, functions that are called at specified points along the timeline.Unity的动画视图允许你直接在Unity中创建和修改动画剪辑。它设计是为了作为一个强大的并直接替代外部3D动画来程序使用。除了动画移动,编辑也可以动画材质和组件的变量,并增加动画剪辑带有动画事件,在指定时间线点调用函数。See the pages about Animation import and Animation Scripting for further information about these subject.查看动画导入和动画脚本章节来进一步阅读。The Animation View Guide is broken up into several pages that each focus on different areas of the View:-该动画视图指南划分到几个不同的页面阅读:
Using the Animation View 使用动画视图This section covers the basic operations of the Animation View, such as creating and editing Animations Clips.本节涵盖动画视图的基本操作,如创建和编辑动画剪辑。
Using Animation Curves 使用动画曲线This section explains how to create Animation Curves, add and move keyframes and set WrapModes. It also offers tips for using Animation Curves to their full advantage.本节介绍怎样创建动画曲线、添加和移动关键帧以及设置循环模式。还提供了使用动画曲线充分发挥其优势的技巧。
Editing Curves 编辑曲线This section explains how to navigate efficienlty in the editor, create and move keys, and edit tangents and tangent types.本节将介绍如何高效地在编辑器中导航,创建和移动关键帧,以及编辑切线和切线类型。
Objects with Multiple Moving Parts 多个移动部分对象This section explains how to animate Game Objects with multiple moving parts and how to handle cases where there is more than one Animation Component that can control the selected Game Object.本节介绍了怎样动画具有多个活动部件的游戏物体,以及如何处理有多个动画组件的情况,能够控制选择的游戏物体。
Using Animation Events 使用动画事件This section explains how to add Animation Events to an Animation Clip. Animation Events allow you call a script function at specified points in the animation's timeline.本节介绍了怎样添加动画事件到动画剪辑。动画事件允许在动画的时间线指定点调用脚本函数。

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