v2.67released Fe***ary 25th
+ Fixed max-terrain-elevation miscalculation.
+ Fixed detail-related features that were showing detail meshes as "Unknown".
+ Fixed control points for curve and terrace opreators.
+ Fixed surround foliage on trees.
+ Reimplemented auto-save to stop TE from losing your settings when you play or recompile scripts (won't trigger a popup message either - it'll just notify you via debug.log.
+ Changed configuration loader - it's much faster now. (it was necessary otherwise autosave was irritating!)
+ Extended functionality of splat generation (more control over range - and the elevation fix).
+ Several other interface glitches fixed.
+ Extended replacement shaders to include add-pass.
+ Added Triplanar shaders, adding multi-UV tiling in the process.
+ Splatmap import function added.
+ Pseudo flow-mapped texturing (see below) - will replace or compliment with erosion/sediment mapping when I improve erosion features and tackle the texture-at-seam issues in 2.68)
+ heightmap noise painter (which can paint across terrain seams)
+ libnoise operators implemented: Abs, Invert, ScaleBias, Exponent, Turbulence.
+ new libnoise operators added. (WindexWarp, TEWarp, possibly more..)
+ new libnoise generators added: (fBm, Het.MultiFract and Hybrid MultiFract).
2.67 Known Issues:
! - New generators probably not exact implementations, will check and review.
! - Splatmap importing is on it's initial implementation too - I'm expecting problems with it!
! - Splatmap generation & tree generation were slow (see below)
! - Flow-map texturing settings do not save with the rest of the configuration.
! - Attempt to clone allegorithmic shader was a failure!!
! - Procedurally generated terrain textures sometimes don't match up well on terrain seams.)作者: 艾西格亚 时间: 2013-1-2 18:53 本帖最后由 艾西格亚 于 2013-6-26 21:20 编辑